Monday, September 9, 2013


So I'm an avid list maker.
I would go to "List Makers Anonymous" if being organized and keeping your sanity was considered unhealthy for you.

I wrote lists for school, I wrote lists at Disneyland, and I write a list every day for work, and write the next day's the evening before the next day.
I'm even one of those people that writes things down even if I know I already did it.

Anyways, my lovely and dear girlie friend Erica (maybe you know her? The fabulous fashion/lifestyle blogger. I mean, I'm also practically her boyfriend because she's my date for everything) created her own different type of list. As a person of list-makers I was intrigued by her 101 things to do in 1001 days (2.75 years); a short term bucket list. She's awesome and has accomplished so many of hers already and has inspired pretty much everyone we work with to create their own.

I have just started mine. I keep editing and adding, then subtracting, and then doubting what I should put. It's harder than you think. 

Can I do all of these?
Is this one ridiculous?
Is this one too lame?

Well, lovelies, I'm sharing my list with you and the journey along the way. So get ready, it's going to be a long, organized, but slightly unorganized/natural and thought out road.

Here's what I have so far and I plan on putting a link up so the 3 of you that read my blog, can blog stalk my journey. And of course catch up on everything I've been doing over time.

So what's on your list? Are you going to make your own list?

1 comment:

  1. I love this! Bucket List lists are a bit of a vice of mine... and I need a revision about now! (Now that I'm settled into being married, have a dog, and a great need for balance and adventure!) So, I think I will write one too. Like, today. I can't wait to read about you knocking this list out!
